Write a letter

1 Login
2 Select template
3 Write
4 Attachments
5 Confirm

We know from experience that your commitment makes a huge difference to your sponsored child. You can write letters, upload pictures and attach files here. We are responsible for your letter being delivered. Your sponsored child is looking forward to hearing from you.

I'm writing to
Choose language

We are very grateful if you can write in English. This saves both time and resources as we do not have to translate the letters into English.

(If this does not work for you, we will of course take care of the translation.)


Select a template

{{template.title}} Zoom

Write to


Attach a file to your letter

You can attach a picture or puzzle file to your sponsor child.
Note: Images must be in JPEG format and not over 2MB in size.
Select your image and click "attach". We will check the file and announce if it is too small.
You can still submit this file but we cannot guarantee the print quality.

Image {{index+1}}
{{attachment.title}} Zoom

Check your letter to

You must scroll down and press "Send Letter" for your letter to be sent.

You can save your letter by downloading it here:


Your letter


Your pictures

Your attachment


Your letter has been sent


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