
When you give through Compassion, you can be sure that your money is managed with integrity

Compassion is one of the highest ranked Christian charities. We use our resources in a model that focuses on each child individually. The money benefits your sponsored child through a local church in the community where the child lives. The Church is assisted by the National Compassion Office in that country.

As a Christ-centered organization, we strive to be good stewards of the resources we have been entrusted with - financial integrity and transparency are important factors for us.


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Do you want to work with a credible Christian sponsor child organization to help children living in poverty? Compassion International has been around since 1952 and works with over 8,000 Christian churches to help over 2 million children in 25 developing countries.

If you have any questions about Compassion, feel free to contact us.


If you suspect that something related to Compassion is not done right, we want to know. For us, it is of the utmost importance that good ethics permeate all our work and that any irregularities are discovered and corrected.

Reporting of irregularities

Anyone who suspects violations of laws or internal rules should deal with this, so-called "whistleblowing". If anyone, such as an employee, sponsor or ambassador, contacts Compassion regarding suspicions of irregularity or other inappropriate behavior (e.g. abuse of power or abuse) committed by a person connected to Compassion's activities, the information will always be taken seriously and further investigated. The person who has the information has the right to remain anonymous and the information will be handled so that the identity cannot be revealed unless the informer wishes otherwise. 

The person who receives the information is responsible for assessing how he / she should proceed.

If you choose to remain anonymous, this will limit our ability to report back to you.

How to report suspicions

Depending on what the suspicion is about, you can choose who you want to contact to report suspected irregularities. You can send an email to any of the addresses below, write a letter or call.

Contact information

Chief Executive Officer: Niclas Madestam, nmadestam[SNABEL-A]

Chief Financial Officer: Ann Hatava, ahatava[SNABEL-A]

Child Protection Lead: Emma Hennerfors, ehennerfors[SNABEL-A]

Chairman of the Board: Mathias Wåhlberg, mathias[SNABEL-A]

Board Member Denmark: Jacob Vium, jv[SNABEL-A]

Board Member Norway: Simen Trannum, simentrannum[SNABEL-A]

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